Ministries admin October 3, 2019 October 5, 2019 MINISTRIES REACHING OUT. STUDY GUIDESermon notes and Bible study guides.SERMONSGet our latest sermon and teachings.REIGNITE STUDIESJoin our many Bible and teaching programs.J.A.M.Jesus and Me program for 5 and under.YOUTH GROUPJoin us every Wednesday at 7:00pm.RETURN TO RECOVERYFind help with addiction.RESTORATION SERVICESHope and healing for marriages.WOMEN’S MINISTRYJoin our Women's Fellowship programs.MEN’S MINISTRYJoin our Men's fellowship programs.REFIRED RETIREESJoin our Retirement group.OUTREACHAttend our upcoming events.COUNSELINGGet Biblical counseling.